Current Funding

Social Development Partnership Program and NNMH

In 2023, the NNMH received funding from the Canadian government’s Social Development Partnerships Program (SDPP) through a three-year, C$600,000 grant to support various projects, research and community capacity building activities. The Program is part of a broad initiative to address the social isolation and promote inclusion of groups notably impacted by the Covid pandemic.

The SDPP makes strategic grant- and contribution-based investments to work in partnership with social not-for-profit organizations to help improve the life outcomes of people in target groups. These include people with disabilities as well as children and families, the voluntary sector, official language minority communities, and other vulnerable populations.

Funded activities support development and sharing of knowledge about current and emerging social issues through collaboration, partnerships, alliances and networks. Support for such activities will build the not-for-profit sectors’ capacity to help people access information, programs and services tailored to their unique needs.


The Disability component of the Social Development Partnerships Program supports projects to improve the social inclusion, participation, and integration of people with disabilities in all aspects of Canadian society.

Persons with disabilities often face personal, social and economic barriers to participating in Canadian society. The SDPP is designed to address these barriers and related social issues to improve access to learning, work opportunities and community life.

Funding recipients are encouraged to find new partners across the private and public sectors to complement federal money in order to maximize the effect of interventions on complex social issues.

See link

· Minister Gould announces funding for projects for the social inclusion and well-being of vulnerable children and youth –